EcoDeck (Patent Box)

We helped Ecodeck save a six figure sum with Patent Box.


Ecodeck offer high quality recycled plastic grid shed-bases, drive-way parking grids, access road surface supports and super eco-friendly building base grids. Made from recycled toughened eco-friendly plastic that helps the environment and reduces ocean pollution at the same time.

Ecodeck products have been erected in both public and private spaces throughout the UK due to its extraordinary success. ‏Since the product had reached a mature stage, Ecodeck contacted Optima to look into the prospect of adding new USPs and distinctive characteristics that would enhance the product offering and, in the best case scenario, result in protectable intellectual property.


As the product had already been productionised, it was imperative to differentiate it and create opportunities for new revenue sources while minimising mould changes. We examined the component products to find areas where innovation might be possible. A true “in-service” product limitation was found with Ecodeck’s assistance.

‏Inserting ground-mounted items, such as lighting units, signage, and fence posts, proved challenging for the owner when the ground-grids were in-situ and filled with turf, aggregate, etc. Adequate implantation was hindered because access to under-turf was restricted by the grid system itself.

In order to determine if it would be possible to build a special feature in the grids that would be appropriate for attaching a universal receiver for lighting, posts, solar PV cells, and other peripherals, investigation was carried out.


Using CAD, we created several locking options before deciding on a “self-locking” bayonet-style fitting with interfacing ribs. In order to demonstrate strength, deflection, and other parameters, we also conducted computerised analysis. ‏

With the use of a standardised, straightforward mount mechanism, a variety of extra things could be mounted thanks to the universal system that was designed. ‏

After being submitted for an IP search, the design was found to be sufficiently original and unique to qualify for a patent application. As a result, we also knew that it would be eligible for evaluation under the Patent Box regime. Accordingly, we helped the client on how to proceed with the procedure.

The final product complied with the requirement to minimise production change while taking advantage of new sales prospects. Additionally, it added unique IP to the Ecodeck line, which was previously hard to reliably secure. ‏

The innovation made it possible to take advantage of the Patent Box regime by giving the design a legitimate and protectable component and by creating a retail opportunity for supplementary goods and accessories.

Services Used

Research & Innovation

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Patent Box & R&D Tax Credits

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Engineering Design

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