Symbol ‘Dexter’ Stock Control Scanner


Symbol Technologies is a manufacturer and worldwide supplier of mobile data capture and delivery equipment. The company specialises in barcode scanners, mobile computers, RFID systems and Wireless LAN infrastructure.
Microlise, who were a Symbol partner approached Optima to help it create a stock control scanner for use in warehouses and supermarkets to electronically manage stock. The brief was to develop the product from concept all the way through to tooling data.


A blend of live usability studies and ergonomic tests helped tailor the product to the user’s requirements. Using the most recent CAD and analysis tools, the design team were able to reduce the development cycle time and formulate the most visually appealing and cost effective solution.


The final product is durable, robust and stylish, adhering to the wider Symbol Technologies product aesthetic and, most importantly for the user, greatly speeds up the process of electronically managing stock of any type.

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Industrial Design

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Concept Development

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Engineering Design

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