At Optima, we are always striving to deliver great products that are well engineered, ensuring excellence in product engineering design. We deliver these with a combination of state-of-the-art tools, a defined, repeatable development process, and in-depth knowledge of multiple manufacturing processes. Our expertise in product engineering allows us to maintain manufacturability without compromising aesthetic considerations.
Using techniques like FEA, DFMA we ensure that the right materials, right process and manufacturing techniques are used. Through our product engineering approach, we can help you find the most appropriate manufacturing partners for your project. Having built up a wide range of suppliers both in the UK and overseas, we can choose the most appropriate method of manufacture based on your project requirements. Our experience in product engineering design includes involvement in the development of complex IP-rated enclosures, components for rail, transportation, air and marine, and oil and gas-related heavy engineering, alongside electromechanical and plastic component mechanism design.